
Nawaris at Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod

Nawaris Sudanese Performing Arts group consists of talented Sudanese children who were born and raised in Wales. For them, dance is a preservation of their heritage and culture and a way of reflecting it and of sharing it with others.  For the Sudanese people dancing is part of the normal life, they enjoy their music and dance in their celebrations and special occasions.  Sudanese dance is influenced by Arab and African types and styles.  Although the rhythm of the dance varies from place to place, the pattern is basically the same across the country.  Nawaris Sudanese dance group perform dances from various Sudanese tribes.

Examples include:

  • The Kern dance is from the Nuba mountain one of the most popular dance styles in Sudan.  The basic principle of this dance is to show strength and flexible body movement in women and men.
  • The Bani Amr tribe dance is called ‘Siseid’, which literally means waves of the sea.  This dance consists of women showing off their beauty accompanied by the sword dance.
  • The bride’s dance is a dance that is part of the wedding ceremony, in which the bride shows her beauty and her dancing skills in front of her groom.
Nawaris commission poster

The piece being performed at Dathliad Cymru-Affrica 2024 and Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod is a new commission devised and co-created by the young people, choreographer Majid Hassan, and musical director N’famady Kouyaté.

The performance tells a story of a small African village that lived in peace until an evil sorceress came to it and bewitched all the villagers into obeying her. After a short time, another evil wizard appeared who wanted the villagers to obey him. Here the conflict began between the two magicians, and each sorcerer tried to convince a group of villagers to side with them. A conflict broke out between the villagers, but after a long period of conflict, the villagers discovered that they must sit at the negotiating table to stop this conflict, and convince these two wizards that peace is the only way to live a peaceful, happy life.